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08/02/2025 dedolight Lightstream: the most complete system part 4 dedolight Lightstream Table Top
The third part of the dedolight Lightstream family is dedolight Lightstream Tabletop - a system where in one single hard case you find 15 different reflectors in the lid. Some of those beyond the range of what you've experienced so far with the larger dedolight systems; some of them have a special hammered surface and some of them are copies of the dedolight Eflect system. This case contains two of the unbelievably small LED lights called the Ledzilla - again ideal to activate a multitude of reflectors, but at the same time these lights also can be equipped with other front end attachmen...
Duration: 02:49

13/01/2025 dedolight Lightstream: the most complete system part 3 dedolight Lightstream LITE
I've not only shot major productions myself in early days where I, for example, was working with 660 electricians and many huge lights - tons of cables, diesel generators - but I've also shot under the most stringent conditions in far away countries with minimal equipment. Thus I was motivated to develop the second part of the family the so-called dedolight Lightstream LITE system. Here again we create something unbelievable: we work with reflectors that are pretty much as light as a piece of paper, with a hot-shoe mount on the back and a bag which is smaller than most ladies handba...
Duration: 03:19

16/12/2024 dedolight Lightstream: the most complete system part 1 introduction
Dedolight Lightstream: this is the most complete system in the world of reflected light.  Here we describe the many different tools and practices involved, and then we go deeper with details of the dedolight tools for working with reflected light. There are reflectors and dedicated parallel beam systems, which provide the amazing capability of creating the illusion of natural light. This we call Infinity Lighting. dedolight parallel beam systems are unique and functional with all of the dedolight focusing lights and these can be maximized to control and shape and find an incredible var...
Duration: 13:56

07/12/2024 dedolight Lightstream: the most complete system (entire movie duration 45 minutes)
Dedolight Lightstream: this is the most complete system in the world of reflected light. Here we describe the many different tools and practices involved, and then we go deeper with details of the dedolight tools for working with reflected light. There are reflectors and dedicated parallel beam systems, which provide the amazing capability of creating the illusion of natural light. This we call Infinity Lighting. dedolight parallel beam systems are unique and functional with all of the dedolight focusing lights and these can be maximized to control and shape and find an incredible variety ...
Duration: 44:54

18/11/2024 Lighting a Ginko
Demonstration of the precision which dedolight offers to the filmmaker for directing and controlling the light, while at the same time creating mood and atmosphere. 3 dedolights were used in this demonstration, 2 with imager attachments and dedolight Eflect for the background. Equipment used: dedolight DLED7 with DP2.1 imager dedolight Ledzilla DLOBML-Bi with dedolight imager dedolight Ledzilla DLOBML-Bi dedolight Eflect Thanks to Arastoo Givi, DoP and lighting educator, for this fantastic movie and demonstration. Based in Iran, Arastoo has worked as a DOP for documentary films and teaches ...
Duration: 06:04

04/11/2024 Paul K - Death of a lemon
This is a portrait about the professional photographer Paul K from Belgium. He is a unique photographer of still life and portrait photography and he uses a lot of light sources to create his own vision of pictures. He uses Dedolights, unique lights like Paul himself. Film by Dirk Walczak - diwa Music by Stefan Schenk - Solar Eclipse - Essen/Germany Thanks to Dirk Walczak for this fantastic film! Check out more about Paul Kohn, photographer, at:
Duration: 08:14

28/10/2024 dedolight Lightstream: all in one bag
Thanks to filmmaker Taki Bibelas who demonstrates how easy it is to travel with a minimal amount of equipment and have everything you need to achieve first-class results. Taki demonstrates working with dedolight Lightstream, dedolight focussing lights with parallel beam intensifiers, and how to use diffusers to enhance the system. Equipment used (all in one bag): dedolight DLED3 daylight dedolight Parallel Beam intensifier 610 dedolight DLED3 daylight dedolight DLED7 bicolor dedolight Parallel beam intensifier for DLED7 dedolight Lightstream reflector set + Eflect reflector DSLR camera + mo...
Duration: 02:50

20/10/2024 IBC 2024: demonstration dedolight Eflect
Recorded at IBC Amsterdam, September 2024. Demonstration of the dedolight Eflect system by Britta Becker, cinematographer at dedolight, Munich. On-show are the latest Eflect reflectors: Tropical Orange which generate blues, greens and aqua and Tropical Blue which reflects auburn reds, yellows and gold. dedolight Eflect are bendable, warpable, multi-mirror reflectors available in various sizes. The large size is 18 x 18 inches, the small size is 8 by 8 inches, with one even smaller 7x10 cm Eflect reflector available. New to market is Eflect XL - Eflect XL is 31 x 31 inches and is available...
Duration: 02:58

14/10/2024 IBC 2024: demonstration dedolight Parallel Beam Intensifiers
Recorded at IBC Amsterdam, September 2024. Demonstration of the dedolight parallel beam intensifiers by Malcolm Amonoo, dedolight, Munich. dedolights are renowned for their clean beam, with no stray light. Within the beam totally homogeneous without hotspots. With the addition of the parallel beam intensifier this magnifies the light output up to 500% or more. This increased light output is very useful for the working with reflected light and the dedolight Lightstream system. From the smallest dedolight, the 8W Ledzilla, all the way to the focusable 1200W daylight HMI models, parallel beam ...
Duration: 01:58

30/09/2024 dedolight: IBC overview 2024
Recorded at IBC in Amsterdam this video provides an overview of the latest from dedolight. On show is the dedolight PB70 & PB70 2.5K parallel beam lights, parallel beam intensifiers, the dedolight Lightstream Flag system, dedolight Lighstream reflectors, dedotec Lightstream reflectors, dedolight Eflect. Presented by Roman Hoffmann, dedolight Munich
Duration: 06:46

01/09/2024 The dedolight Lightstream Flag system: hard and soft light from a single source
The dedolight Lightstream Flag system is designed to prevent excess light from passing beyond a reflector and then bouncing back to create unwanted effects within a scene. The dedolight Flags are available in square or round shapes with a mounting point located central to a hole within the flag, This is where the reflector attaches. The flags are available in 5 different sizes to accommodate different size reflectors: 22 inches, 32 inches, 42 inches, 52 inches, 62 inches. It is also possible to mount several flags together. Square flags can be mounted to a single stand, enabling 4 or 5 refle...
Duration: 13:31

11/07/2024 Infinity Lighting: the illusion of natural light from a far distance
The dedolight PB70 is unique - not just in physical appearance, not just in terms of high output and low energy consumption: the PB70 enables the cinematographer to achieve a natural, organic quality of light while at the same time defeating what is called The Inverse Square Law. In simple terms the inverse square law means “as distance increases from the lighting source intensity decreases.” When we double that distance from the light source the result is a quarter of the original light; however, when working with the PB70 this is not true. The measurements below show photometri...
Duration: 18:12

11/07/2024 Infinity Lighting: the illusion of natural light from a far distance (German)
The dedolight PB70 is unique - not just in physical appearance, not just in terms of high output and low energy consumption: the PB70 enables the cinematographer to achieve a natural, organic quality of light while at the same time defeating what is called The Inverse Square Law. In simple terms the inverse square law means “as distance increases from the lighting source intensity decreases.” When we double that distance from the light source the result is a quarter of the original light; however, when working with the PB70 this is not true. The measurements below show photometr...
Duration: 12:45

30/05/2024 dedolight Eflect new sizes & surfaces investigated: Tropical Blue & Tropical Orange
The movie above shows a preview of the latest Eflect surfaces from dedolight, which are just coming to market. dedolight Eflect is providing tools which haven’t existed before. Two new surfaces have been released: Tropical Blue and Tropical Orange. Tropical Orange generate blues, greens and aqua and you can increase the green by minimizing the angle of reflector to light, or you can increase the blues by increasing the angle. Tropical Blue reflects auburn reds, yellows and gold and is unique in the results which can be achieved. Cosmic looking results are possible. dedolight Eflect ...
Duration: 07:14

14/05/2024 The impact of color temperature changes on the emotional expression of a person
This is an experiment where we try to demonstrate the impact that color temperature changes have on the emotional expression of our subject. The experiment is quite simple: we have a very contrasty backlight scene created by 2 spots mounted close to the ceiling - these we reflect onto dedolight Lightstream reflectors 25 x 25 cm number 2; to provide a wider spread. To create a color contrast - one side of the face is warmer than the other side. The aim of this rim light is to create an outline on our talent, and the main light that we activate is the small reflector 7 x 10 cm dedolight Light...
Duration: 02:43

30/04/2024 dedolight Eflect: Live Demo 2
dedolight Eflect - described as the ultimate background generator, now introduces new surface patterns: tropical blue and tropical orange. All surfaces available for dedolight Eflect can be purchased in sizes up to 80x80cm; this allows, even with minimal power, to spread large effect patterns all around a large studio, from ceiling to floor. Eflect is the combination of the 2 words: reflect and effect. The Eflect system works by directing light into different surfaces which , when reflected, form a myriad of patterns. Available surfaces are made up of different sized mirrors including silve...
Duration: 06:51

22/04/2024 dedolight Eflect: live demo
dedolight Eflect - described as the ultimate background generator, now introduces new surface patterns: tropical blue and tropical orange. All surfaces available for dedolight Eflect can be purchased in sizes up to 80x80cm; this allows, even with minimal power, to spread large effect patterns all around a large studio, from ceiling to floor. Eflect is the combination of the 2 words: reflect and effect. The Eflect system works by directing light into different surfaces which , when reflected, form a myriad of patterns. Available surfaces are made up of different sized mirrors including silve...
Duration: 05:50

29/03/2024 The impact of color temperature changes on the emotional expression of a person (version 2)
Presented by Roman Hoffmann, Dedo Weigert Film, Munich. This is an experiment where we try to demonstrate the impact that color temperature changes have on the emotional expression of our subject.
Duration: 03:10

21/02/2024 Cinematographers & Gaffers talk dedolight: in praise of perfection
This movie shows what dedolight is about. Covering all the major aspects of dedolight, told by cinematographers, gaffers, and those who work with the dedolight system, this provides a complete overview of the dedolight system - from the classic DLH4 tungsten light, to HMI lighting, soft light, LED light, reflected light, multicolored light... dedolight has been used in all areas of cinematography, from television to feature film production, news, corporates, events, product shots, photography... dedolight has been used in all areas of image creation. Featuring (in order of appearance): Roy H...
Duration: 11:57

08/02/2024 Reflectors on the rays of the sun: Paul Kohn master photographer
Paul Kohn is a master photographer. He has style which is all his own; he has a deep understanding of light and how to use it. In this piece Paul works with dedolight Lightstream in combination with Effect reflectors. 
The results are astounding visuals of close-ups of flowers, creating a dreamy surreal effect. “We have a magic flow illuminating all sides. In fact, it’s as if we put reflectors on the rays of the sun, in a small way.” Paul Kohn Thanks to Paul Kohn for making this short film possible, and showing his way of working. Paul Kohn is a Belgium based photogra...
Duration: 03:51

08/02/2024 Reflectors on the rays of the sun: Paul Kohn master photographer (French version)
Paul Kohn est un maître photographe. Il a un style qui lui est propre ; il a une compréhension profonde de la lumière et de la manière de l'utiliser. Dans cette pièce, Paul travaille avec dedolight Lightstream en combinaison avec des réflecteurs Effect. Les résultats sont des visuels époustouflants de gros plans de fleurs, créant un effet surréaliste onirique. « Nous avons un flux magique illuminant tous les côtés. En fait, c’est comme si on mettait des réflecteurs sur les rayons du sole...
Duration: 03:51

20/01/2024 dedolight Lightstream Flag System
The dedolight Lightstream Flag System (IP protected by a pending Patent Application and by registered Utility Models) is designed to eliminate parasitic light, otherwise inescapable in reflected light systems. dedolight offers the expanded Lightstream Flag System, in round or square shapes. This provides an incredible bridge between hard and soft lights with different large reflector surfaces, to surround the multitude of reflector choices. This crosses between hard and soft light, adding more versatility to the installation of the reflectors, clearing the set from unnecessary lighting paraph...
Duration: 05:44

08/01/2024 dedolight Eflect: background generator
Eflect enables the cinematographer to create controllable background patterns by focussing a dedolight into an Eflect pattern and then reflecting the result onto a wall or any surface - the results are unique and pleasing to the eye. In essence, Eflect is designed to be a background generator. Rather than have a subject in a room with bare walls, for example, why not introduce texture, colour and patterns to the background. The results can easily be changed and manipulated. Eflect can also be used to direct light onto subject and background at the same time. Using this method, interesting a...
Duration: 04:22

21/11/2023 dedolight Lightstream Lite: mounting solutions
dedolight Lightstream LITE is a powerful and portable solution for anyone who wishes to work with reflected light. One of the key challenges to using Lightstream LITE effectively is be able to mount reflectors anywhere you choose, enabling precise placement of light. This video shows a multitude of ways to suspend, mount, and place reflectors, enabling you to light a scene simply and effectively with the minimum of lighting equipment, with all the benefits of working with reflected light.
Duration: 04:36

30/10/2023 dedotools Colorist: multicolor panel light part 2
dedotools aims to provide affordable tools for videography and photography, allowing creators to achieve the perfect balance between full color control and create specialized in studios and on-location results with very little money. For photographers, videographers, filmmakers, content creators, interviews, conferences, the dedotools Colorist is versatile and suitable for photo, video, film, TV production, live streaming. dedotools Colorist A true powerful 60W RGBWY LED soft light panel with large light-emitting area. The Colorist consists of 576 pcs LED beads (144 pcs Warm / 144 pcs C...
Duration: 04:10

21/09/2023 dedotools Colorist: multicolor panel light
dedotools aims to provide affordable tools for videography and photography, allowing creators to achieve the perfect balance between full color control and create specialized in studios and on-location results with very little money.   For photographers, videographers, filmmakers, content creators, interviews, conferences, the dedotools Colorist is versatile and suitable for photo, video, film, TV production, live streaming.  dedotools Colorist A true powerful 60W RGBWY LED soft light panel with large light-emitting area. The Colorist consists of 576 pcs LED beads (144 pcs W...
Duration: 04:17

Here we see the capabilities of the DLED7N-C multicolour light, including: demonstration of DLED7N-C with dedolight DP1.1 projector unit and DP2.2 dedicated shutter projector. Also demonstrated is DLED7N-C with the DLWAR wide angle attachment with rotating barn doors. Other attachments compatible with the DLED7N-C include a soft box, dedolight DPEYESET, and the DLED7N-C working in a reflected light set-up with dedolight Lightstream parallel beam intensifier directed into reflector and back onto subject. This demonstration by Sean Boyriven of dedolight California provides a good overview of th...
Duration: 21:03

21/08/2023 dedolight NEO Color DLED7N-C: multicolor light (part 1)
dedolight Neo Color DLED7N-C is the result of technological cooperation between Dedo Weigert Film and Prolycht. It features Prolycht's superior six colour management: red, green, blue, amber, cyan, and lime which gives you the widest possible color gamut available today. This means accurate skin tone reproduction for variable CCTs and also the magic of varying the gamut of a white point. In addition you can make full use of the color wheels and prestored effects. The system can be controlled with a simple, intuitive menu via OLED display, DMX, Lumenradio CRMX or Bluetooth and the Magic C...
Duration: 14:55

03/08/2023 dedolight NEO: key features
dedolight NEO is now shipping. This is full-featured and represents the next generation of dedolight technology designed to improve light control, dimming, and usability of LED lights across the dedolight range. Now one universal ballast will drive all 34 of the latest dedolight LED lights from 20-90 watts, whether they are monocolor, bi-color, infrared or ultraviolet; deep smooth manual dimming down to 0.1%; plus many more features listed below. Note: the chapters below can be accessed using the on-screen navigation controls immediately below the movie: * Check Firmware * Lock Funct...
Duration: 12:16

28/06/2023 Rodney Charters: interactive lighting for virtual studios
Live presentation by Rodney Charter showing and explaining the process of VR production using large screens as backdrops to film against. There is nothing new about this process, however, what exists today is more refined and sophisticated than previous eras of film production. With control over all aspects of the filmmaking process filming in controllable VR studios is now a serious tool for filmmakers. Rodney Charters provides a rare insight into Hollywood production and how VR is being used to create convincing results indistinguishable to content filmed on location. Biography and care...
Duration: 20:23

23/06/2023 Demonstration: dedolight Dled3 and Lightstream LITE
Lightstream LITE is available in 2 different packages: • 3 reflectors plus mounting accessories • 5 reflectors plus mounting accessories Each reflector has 20 × 20 cm (approximately 8 × 8 inch), with plastic corner protection and cold shoe mount on rear. dedolight Lightstream Lite is for the smallest team, be it the solo creator, small filmmaking crew, or one who works from home office with computer and small studio set-up. Thanks to Taki Bibelas for this excellent demo showing how to effectively work with dedolight Lightstream LITE. Taki Bibelas started as a fashion...
Duration: 03:18

20/03/2023 The Power of Reflection: demonstration of dedolight Lightstream Table Top
Recorded at the dedolight International Agent Meeting, September 2022, this demonstration shows dedolight Lightstream Table Top at work, how the system works, and the results which can achieved.  Thanks to Arastoo Givi, DoP and lighting educator, for this fantastic demonstration. Based in Iran, Arastoo has worked as a DOP for documentary films and teaches photography, lighting & cinematography at universities and Colleges.
Duration: 17:16

27/02/2023 Tools for Table-Top Magic: demonstration by Francois Aubry
Recorded at the dedolight International Agent Meeting, September 2022, this demonstration shows many tools from the dedolight Lightstream Table Top system and how these can be used for high-class product lighting. Thanks to Francois Aubry for this fantastic demonstration showing what can be done with the right tools, knowledge and mindset! Based in Canada, Francois Aubry is a screenwriter, visual effects artist and filmmaker. Francois has worked in the film industry for over 35 years, extensively as a cinematographer and also in visual effects.
Duration: 08:50

08/01/2023 Interview: Steven Poster, Cinematographer
Steven Poster, A.S.C, I.C.G. is an American cinematographer and photographer who is the former President of the International Cinematographers Guild. Poster began his career as a creative assistant at The Film Group, a commercial film production company based in Chicago, Illinois. After being promoted to director of photography due to his skill at lighting, he met Herschell Gordon Lewis and worked with him in various crew positions on a total of three films. Poster founded a production company with director Michael Mann and served as the cinematographer on numerous industrial and education fi...
Duration: 09:47

07/11/2022 dedolight Lightstream Table Top: overview and demonstration
dedolight has introduced dedolight Lightstream Table Top, completing the Lightstream family, made up of: (i) Lightstream standard (ii) Lightstream LITE (iii) Lightstream Table Top.  The range of tools included with dedolight Lightstream Table Top was originally conceived to serve traditional table top tasks such as product photography, filming of miniatures, animation and other table top work. In its basic configuration, dedolight Lightstream Table Top consists of 2 × 8 Watt Ledzilla focusing lights, which can be mono or bi-colour lights. These lights can be fitted with the parall...
Duration: 07:21

05/10/2022 dedolight Scissor Clamp
Lighting Cameraman Pete Burns shows the benefits of Dedolight Scissor Clamps. With a shaft length of 6.25", the Dedolight Scissor Clamp with 5/8" Stud allows you to hang a light from the supporting framework that holds drop ceiling panels. Pete Burns, based in the Midlands, UK, has over 25 years of creative image making in broadcast and corporate television. Pete has filmed for all the major British broadcasters and many international channels. Check out more from Pete Burns at:
Duration: 01:18

18/09/2022 Backgrounds for Interviews
Sometimes it can be challenging to come up with great looking backgrounds to film interviews. Lighting Cameraman Pete Burns shows how. UK, Midlands based, Pete Burns has over 25 years of creative image making in broadcast and corporate television. Pete has filmed for all the major British broadcasters and many international channels. Whether part of a large crew or solo filming, Pete approaches every job with the same passion, always shooting sequences that cut together seamlessly. He is passionate about working with light and owns an extensive range of top-notch lighting equipment. ...
Duration: 03:48

20/07/2022 Introducing: dedolight Lightstream Table Top
Cinematographer Dedo Weigert demonstrates the dedolight Lightstream Table Top system, showing the individual pieces which makes up the system and how these work together. This range of tools is originally conceived to serve the traditional table top tasks, with an added variety of effects and efficiency, enhancing the creative approach, tremendously. In its basic configuration, the dedolight Lightstream Table Top system consists of 2 × 8 Watt Ledzilla focusing lights, which can be bi-colour lights. These lights can be fitted with the parallel beam intensifiers to co-operate with a ric...
Duration: 14:07

04/07/2022 Latest from dedolight: DTN Neo, Neo Color, Prolycht collaboration
Recorded at Cine Expo Europe in Munich, July 1 2022, this piece shows the latest developments from dedolight with the NEO family and Prolycht collaboration. Presented by Raffael Pollak, lighting designer at dedolight in Munich, we see the latest products and results which can be achieved. Also featured is dedolight optics on the Prolycht Orion 300 FS and Orion 675 FS lights.
Duration: 04:48

26/06/2022 Overview of the dedolight NEO family
This short video provides an overview of the dedolight NEO family. The dedolight NEO ballasts represent the next generation of dedolight technology, and will improve light control, dimming, and usability of LED lights across the dedolight range. We also see dedolight NEO color - the result of technological cooperation between Dedo Weigert Film and Prolycht. dedolight NEO color features six colour management guaranteeing accurate skin tone reproduction for variable CCTs and also the magic of varying the gamut of a white point. These are latest tools coming to market from dedolight and the N...
Duration: 02:18

14/06/2022 A portrait of Dedo: photographer Paul Kohn
Behind the scenes showing photographer Paul Kohn at work, photographing Dedo Weigert, at Screencraft studios in Munich. Here we see Paul’s unique style and how he controls the light, using dedolight in combination with dedolight Lightstream, Efflect, and a table standing vertical to create a unique and perfect background. We see the setup, we see the result, and hear Dedo’s words throughout the photographic session. Thanks to Paul Kohn for making this short film possible, and showing his way of working. Paul Kohn is a Belgium based photographer. Check out more from Paul at: ht...
Duration: 02:21

01/06/2022 dedolight DTneoC ballast with DLED7C
Dedo Weigert Film are excited to introduce the color addition to their dedolight neo precision lighting instruments with the new dedolight neo color. dedolight neo color is the result of technological cooperation between Dedo Weigert Film and Prolycht. It features the superior six colour management engineered by Dr. Anqing Liu in his Hyperlight Engine. The red, green, blue, amber, cyan, and lime engine gives you the widest possible color gamut available today. This means we can Dedo Weigert Film GmbH guarantee accurate skin tone reproduction for variable CCTs and also the magic of varying the...
Duration: 05:25

26/05/2022 dedolight DT-Neo family
Raffael Pollak, lighting designer at dedolight, runs through the new dedolight DT-Neo ballast and how this interfaces with the latest range of dedolight light heads. Now one universal ballast will drive all 34 of the latest dedolight LED lights from 20-90 watts, whether they are monocolor, bi-color, infrared or ultraviolet. The dedolight neo ballast represents the next generation of dedolight technology, and will improve light control, dimming, and usability of LED lights across the dedolight range. This is an important step forward and brings absolutely smooth dimming from 0.1% to ful...
Duration: 05:27

27/03/2022 Roy H. Wagner: Cinematographer
With over 50 years working in the film industry, Roy Wagner talks openly about his life as a cinematographer, the effect dedolight has had on his own work and the rest of the production industry, and many insights and glimpses into working on major motion pictures and the challenges which this brings. **Roy H Wagner** Roy Henry Wagner III (born January 12, 1947), ASC, is an American cinematographer known for dramatic, dark imagery. Named by Kodak as one of the "Top 100 Directors of Photography in the World" Wagner's career has spanned 35 years in the motion picture and t...
Duration: 38:27

07/03/2022 Ross Dunkerley: Gaffer/Chief Lighting Technician - Working with dedolight
**Ross Dunkerley: Gaffer/Chief Lighting Technician, working with dedolight** Ross Dunkerley is known for his work on Gran Torino (2008), The Hunger Games (2012), Sully: Miracle on the Hudson, (2016), Captain Marvel (2019) and The Marksman (2021). In this interview Ross speaks about dedolight and how these have been used in his work for both feature films and television. 
Ross reveals, insightfully, his experiences behind the scenes, working with Clint Eastwood; Conrad Hall; the role of dedolight in lighting the roses in American Beauty (1999); and also thoughts on modern cinematography an...
Duration: 13:12

11/01/2022 Still image creation with dedolight and the dedolight Lightstream system
Belgium based photographer, Paul Kohn, explains how he works with dedolight and the dedolight Lightstream system: "I've worked with dedolight for a dozen years. The character of this light charmed me. I like to create an aesthetic image with a nice atmosphere. The Lightstream system creates a softness in the picture. The culmination gives a much more nuanced picture." "Here I would like to introduce you to the latest range of reflectors from dedolight. Combined with just one light. It's just fantastic." Paul Kohn We see many examples of Paul at work, behind th...
Duration: 03:28

16/11/2021 Lighting Set-up: creating the silhouette
This demonstration shows how easy it is to create an effective result with a minimal amount of equipment. This simple 2 light set-up, mixing tungsten and daylight, shows how to create a defined silhouette with lighting effect on the background. Equipment used: dedolight DLED4 Dedolight DLED4 with DP2.1 projector attachment
Duration: 01:18

26/10/2021 Effective portrait lighting using dedolight Lightstream
Cinematographer Ian Murray demonstrates how the dedolight Lighstream system can be used for effective portrait lighting. Ian demonstrates the unique quality which reflected light provides and how this can be controlled and manipulated. Ian Murray is one of the UK’s top cinematographers, having over 20 years experience working in high-end commercials and global campaigns for clients such as Coca Cola, Nike, Apple and Guinness. Ian’s areas of expertise include food, hair, beauty, high-speed and table top cinematography. Follow Ian on Instagram: #setnotes Check out more from Ian ...
Duration: 05:07

16/05/2021 Light & Shadow Maker: dedolight DP2.1 imager
The dedolight DP2.1 imager is an attachment which fits onto either the tungsten DLH4 dedolight, or the newer DLED4 dedolight. The is a fantastic piece of equipment with enables light to be focussed onto a tiny area, no bigger than a matchhead, of the imager can be used project slides, or images printed on translucent material onto a background. Simply put, this unit lets you precisely project and control the placement of light. Cinematographer Alex Bercovitch shows the dedolight DP2.1 in use and the results that can be achieved. This is a unique product which turns either the tungsten DHL4, o...
Duration: 08:42

28/03/2021 Impressions of dedolight Litestream LITE
Litestream LITE is a set of lightweight reflectors with a coldshoe mount where you can attach a flex arm. 
Each reflector has a defined angle and quality of reflection. In this piece 3 separate reflectors are used, demonstrating the varying hard or soft qualities of each reflector. By shining light into reflector, the reflector can then be angled to redirect the light wherever this needs to be placed. The results speak for themselves. Beautiful shots of our subject at a piano, with what can be described an “naturalistic” “organic” lighting has been achieved. Als...
Duration: 04:53

23/03/2021 Lighting a miniature set: dedolight precision lighting long 12 min 56 secs
Filmed January 2020, this demonstration shows the lighting on a miniature set, and the precise and subtle details that can be achieved using the dedolight system. This piece demonstrates a mixture of tungsten and daylight, deliberately combined to create realistic and dramatic lighting on the miniature set. This is an intricate setup with startling life-like results. Dwight Campbell, Lighting Director, Chief Lighting Technician, demonstrates the lighting achieved with multiple dedolights, many with imager attachments with iris control and DPEye filters; Ledraptor 5 is used for overhead lig...
Duration: 12:56

11/03/2021 Re-creating different lighting styles: Boxing fight scene, the Western, The Thriller
In this piece, filmmaker Tibor Kormany, demonstrates how to re-create lighting in different genres: The “boxing” fight scene; The “western” style scene; The “thriller” style scene with moody, surreal lighting Thanks to Tibor Kormany for sending in the film which is one of the winners of the 2nd international dedolight competition, run in 2020. View more of the winning entries at:
Duration: 03:10

10/02/2021 Ian Murray, dedolight DLH4 in combination with the Lightstream system
Cinematographer, Ian Murray, explores using 4 x dedolight DLH4 lights in combination with the Lightstream system. The DLH4 , also known as the “classic” dedolight, is a 150 watt tungsten lamp, which works exceptionally well as part of the Lightstream system. The small size of the bulb results in a point source of light, which is focussed through a parallel beam intensifier, and then directed into a reflector; the tungsten light provides a beautiful, natural quality. In this demonstration 4 of the dedolight DLH4 lights are used, each with Parallel Beam Intensifier, directed into...
Duration: 09:32

01/02/2021 dedolight Lightstream, working with parallel beam and reflected light
Lightstream is a powerful reflecting system by dedolight that starts with a focussing light and a parallel beam intensifier. The light is focussed into a reflector and then redirected to wherever the cinematographer chooses. Different reflectors with varying amounts of reflective quality are used to direct the light. The reflectors have difference characteristics according to which numbered reflector you use. There are a total of 4 different reflectors shown in the demo, however, recently, dedolight have introduced a 5th reflector for the Lightstream system. The key to Lightstream is the pa...
Duration: 06:46

24/01/2021 Eflect, amazing background generator
Eflect enables the cinematographer to create controllable background patterns by focussing a dedolight into an Eflect pattern and then reflecting the result onto a wall or any surface - the results are unique and pleasing to the eye. Eflect can also be used to direct light onto subject and background at the same time. Using this method, interesting and different and results can be achieved. Eflect is available in large or small boards, with different surfaces in silver or gold, with specific mounted Eflect gels available for introducing different colours to the reflected patterns. “T...
Duration: 06:15

20/01/2021 Light into the ice, Lightstream in extreme environments
This fascinating mini-documentary filmed on location in Iceland, shows spectacular footage filmed deep inside ice caves, using the dedolight Lightstream system. Before and after examples are provided to show the results which can be achieved by adding light to the scene. Many of the images would not have been able to film without the lighting, as the environment would have been too dark to capture. Using DLED3 with multiple reflectors the light would bounce and diffuse to highlight the ice structures. Thanks to Louise Hickey and Stuart Pointon for providing this piece. Credits below for v...
Duration: 08:04

04/12/2020 Why do Barndoors have to be Square
Short film which shows the advantages the barndoors on the dedolight system have over those on conventional lights. Simply put - there is no comparison. The dedolight barndoors are flexible and can be positioned for creating shapes in a multitude of ways. Thanks to Francois Aubry, filmmaker, screenwriter & special effects artist for contributing this fantastic piece.
Duration: 01:32

29/11/2020 Journey into Lightstream, Cinematographer Ian Murray
Cinematographer, Ian Murray, demonstrates the dedolight DLH400D for traditional use as a small, powerful, versatile HMI light and also shows how this can be used as part of the dedolight Lightstream system. Lightstream uses a Parallel Beam Intensifier to focus the light into reflectors which then direct the light precisely wherever the cinematographer chooses. The result is an organic and realistic quality which is difficult to achieve with conventional lighting equipment. This demonstration shows how the DLH400D is used within the Lightstream system and the results which can achieved. Ian ...
Duration: 08:58

25/11/2020 Eflect, for creating beautiful background patterns and textures
Eflect enables the cinematographer to create controllable background patterns by focussing a dedolight into an Eflect pattern and then reflecting the result onto a wall or any surface - the results are unique and pleasing to the eye. In essence, Eflect is designed to be a background generator. Rather than have a subject in a room with bare walls, for example, why not introduce texture, colour and patterns to the background. The results can easily be changed and manipulated. Eflect can also be used to direct light onto subject and background at the same time. Using this method, interesting a...
Duration: 10:38

23/11/2020 The light in your eye
In the world of photography, it is well-known the impact the reflection in the eye can have on the image: some call it a catch-light or a sparkle in the eye. In filmmaking, we can greatly enhance the visual appeal by creating reflections in the eyes. Reflections in the eyes can be the result of the lighting on the face, or, the eyes can be independently lit with lights used to create specific reflections. These reflections can be achieved in different shapes, with attention to the positioning of the reflection within the eyes. Reflections can also be created in different colours. The result a...
Duration: 16:49

16/11/2020 How its done, precision 12 light setup
This demonstration, with a model car as a subject, shows the changes to mood and atmosphere that can be achieved by controlling the lighting, with details and explanation of how the results have been achieved. Focussing dedolights with imagers and DPEye filters are used in combination with Lightstream and Eflect. These elements, programmed with DMX control, come together to create the overall lighting effect. Raffael Pollak, Museum & Studio Lighting Designer at dedolight explains how this lighting setup works.
Duration: 06:06

10/11/2020 Absolute precision lighting with dedolight
Here we see a model car and how the mood and atmosphere can be changed by controlling the lighting. This requires an intricate lighting setup involving many Dedo focussing lights with imagers, DPEye filters and elements of Lightstream and Eflect. The movie above is a short promo - a complete movie on this subject to be shown very soon on
Duration: 02:05

31/05/2020 Daniel Norton: photography using Eflect
Photographer Daniel Norton shows how the dedolight Eflect system can be used to create unusual and intriguing patterns which can be projected onto both background and subject. This is alternative way to use the Eflect system, which most often has been used as a background generator. However you choose to use Eflect, this opens the door to tremendous creativity and something that will differentiate the lighting on the subject and/or background. **Daniel Norton** Daniel has 20+ years experience in the advertising and editorial markets. Known for his wide range and depth of lighting knowledge...
Duration: 21:20

24/05/2020 The light in your eye
In the world of photography, it is well-known the impact the reflection in the eye can have on the image: some call it a catch-light or a sparkle in the eye. In filmmaking, we can greatly enhance the visual appeal by creating reflections in the eyes. Reflections in the eyes can be the result of the lighting on the face, or, the eyes can be independently lit with lights used to create specific reflections. These reflections can be achieved in different shapes, with attention to the positioning of the reflection within the eyes. Reflections can also be created in different colours. The result a...
Duration: 16:49

18/05/2020 Ian Murray: The Portrait, Hard/Soft Key Light (part 1)
A lighting tutorial by Ian Murray, Cinematographer, based in the UK. Learn more about hard and soft key light and its effects. Understanding the difference between hard and soft light; how to distinguish between hard and soft light and how to evaluate hard and soft light; the characteristics these different types of light bring to the image. The primary goal of this video is to introduce some of the principals of cinematography through the act of portrait lighting, or the act of lighting the face. We will show practically how this is achieved. “We often look to nature for lighting in...
Duration: 07:25

18/05/2020 Angel Penchev, photographer: perfect precision which can only be achieved using dedolight
This film shows the perfect precision of dedolight. Using a model car as a subject, the photographer sets above lighting this. This is no ordinary model car. This is a Bugatti made up of over a thousand pieces. Angel Penchev: “This is the finest model Bugatti Royale Roadster Esders. It is a technical masterpiece which consists of 1382 single components. The objects itself is not easy to photograph at all - quite complicated shapes.” Using dedolight Imager, we can see the extreme detail that can be achieved with precision lighting. Bicolour lights are used to control colour tem...
Duration: 06:39

14/05/2020 Scott Wright: Photography & Video
Here we see creative professional, Scott Wright, at work, filming and capturing stills, with beautiful photogenic subjects to photograph. Scott is a creative professional who can do it all: he films, captures stills, lights, records audio - Scott understands the creative process and intuitively, through years of experience, knows how to get the shots. In this piece Scott works with dedolight Panaura 5, which provides a large light source, which is compact and moveable, considering the overall size of the light, and also quick to set-up. Other lights used: several dedolight DLH4 & TecPro...
Duration: 02:00

14/05/2020 Making of a Photograph with the dedolight Panaura 7
Still photography is looked on as pure art - press a button, capture a moment, and this is then recorded forever.... The viewer looking at a photograph will never know the time and effort that went into the capture of a moment. There could be intricate setups, or detailed planning. Whatever-the-case the process to capture the image doesn't matter - it is simply the result that is of consequence. However, for those of us with curious minds, the creative process is important. This film shows the time, effort, and planning that went into the creation of a single image, working with dedolig...
Duration: 01:23

13/05/2020 The simplicity and beauty of Ledzilla: the smallest of the dedo focussing lights
The simplicity and beauty of Ledzilla - the smallest of the dedo focussing lights. Ledzilla is small enough to fit into a handbag yet powerful enough to key or fill on location. 
This is the light you always have with you, ready for action, for the camera operator or photographer who needs to travel light with a minimum of equipment. Also suitable for tabletop and product photography. A variety of attachments are available including: soft box, Chinese lantern and light tube with ability to use gels to the change colour of the light.
Duration: 05:06

12/05/2020 Lighting techniques for drama based cinematography (part 2)
Tim Palmer, Director of Photography, demonstrates key lighting techniques used in drama based cinematography. Tim shows how to use controlled soft light effectively, how to light an entire room full of people while retaining the natural look – to light without the lighting being seen, and how to create a sparkle in the eye, to bring life to the eyes and face, and to complement the performance of the actor. In this practical demonstration Tim shows how he uses dedolight Panaura domes suspended from above, to creative a beautiful soft light, along with precision lighting for eye reflexe...
Duration: 21:58

12/05/2020 Lighting techniques for drama based cinematography (part 1)
Tim Palmer, Director of Photography, demonstrates key lighting techniques used in drama based cinematography. Tim shows how to use controlled soft light effectively; how to light an entire room full of people while retaining the natural look; how to create a sparkle in the eye; to bring life to the eyes and face, and to complement the performance of the actor. In this practical demonstration Tim shows how he uses Dedo Panaura domes suspended from above, to creative a beautiful soft light, along with precision lighting for eye reflexes. Equipment used: dedolight PanAura, dedolight DLED4, De...
Duration: 23:27

30/10/2018 Eye Reflexes
In the world of photography, it is well-known the impact the reflection in the eye can have on the image: some call it a catch-light or a sparkle in the eye. In filmmaking, we can greatly enhance the visual appeal by creating reflections in the eyes. Reflections in the eyes can be the result of the lighting on the face, or, the eyes can be independently lit with lights used to create specific reflections. These reflections can be achieved in different shapes, with attention to the positioning of the reflection within the eyes. Reflections can also be created in different colours. The result a...
Duration: 01:54