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18/11/2024 Lighting a Ginko
Demonstration of the precision which dedolight offers to the filmmaker for directing and controlling the light, while at the same time creating mood and atmosphere. 3 dedolights were used in this demonstration, 2 with imager attachments and dedolight Eflect for the background. Equipment used: dedolight DLED7 with DP2.1 imager dedolight Ledzilla DLOBML-Bi with dedolight imager dedolight Ledzilla DLOBML-Bi dedolight Eflect Thanks to Arastoo Givi, DoP and lighting educator, for this fantastic movie and demonstration. Based in Iran, Arastoo has worked as a DOP for documentary films and teaches ...
Duration: 06:04

28/10/2024 dedolight Lightstream: all in one bag
Thanks to filmmaker Taki Bibelas who demonstrates how easy it is to travel with a minimal amount of equipment and have everything you need to achieve first-class results. Taki demonstrates working with dedolight Lightstream, dedolight focussing lights with parallel beam intensifiers, and how to use diffusers to enhance the system. Equipment used (all in one bag): dedolight DLED3 daylight dedolight Parallel Beam intensifier 610 dedolight DLED3 daylight dedolight DLED7 bicolor dedolight Parallel beam intensifier for DLED7 dedolight Lightstream reflector set + Eflect reflector DSLR camera + mo...
Duration: 02:50

23/06/2023 Demonstration: dedolight Dled3 and Lightstream LITE
Lightstream LITE is available in 2 different packages: • 3 reflectors plus mounting accessories • 5 reflectors plus mounting accessories Each reflector has 20 × 20 cm (approximately 8 × 8 inch), with plastic corner protection and cold shoe mount on rear. dedolight Lightstream Lite is for the smallest team, be it the solo creator, small filmmaking crew, or one who works from home office with computer and small studio set-up. Thanks to Taki Bibelas for this excellent demo showing how to effectively work with dedolight Lightstream LITE. Taki Bibelas started as a fashion...
Duration: 03:18

01/04/2023 Maximising The Source: understanding reflected light
Essential viewing for those wishing to learn about reflected light and the dedolight Lightstream system. This presentation tells how photographer Taki Bibelas came to understand the value of reflected light early in his career, to then refine this into his own workflow. This is presentation is packed with information and real-world examples showing just what can be done with dedolight Lightstream. Thanks to Taki Bibelas for this stunning presentation! Taki Bibelas started as a fashion photographer in Paris, having worked for major magazines around the world. He has since worked in filmmaki...
Duration: 26:57

20/03/2023 The Power of Reflection: demonstration of dedolight Lightstream Table Top
Recorded at the dedolight International Agent Meeting, September 2022, this demonstration shows dedolight Lightstream Table Top at work, how the system works, and the results which can achieved.  Thanks to Arastoo Givi, DoP and lighting educator, for this fantastic demonstration. Based in Iran, Arastoo has worked as a DOP for documentary films and teaches photography, lighting & cinematography at universities and Colleges.
Duration: 17:16

20/01/2021 Light into the ice, Lightstream in extreme environments
This fascinating mini-documentary filmed on location in Iceland, shows spectacular footage filmed deep inside ice caves, using the dedolight Lightstream system. Before and after examples are provided to show the results which can be achieved by adding light to the scene. Many of the images would not have been able to film without the lighting, as the environment would have been too dark to capture. Using DLED3 with multiple reflectors the light would bounce and diffuse to highlight the ice structures. Thanks to Louise Hickey and Stuart Pointon for providing this piece. Credits below for v...
Duration: 08:04

15/01/2021 Snapshots of small shiny objects
dedolight is perfect for lighting product shots and this movie shows just what can be done. The small size of the lights enables objects can be lit from all angles, projections can be used on the background and colour temperature can be changed for effect. A world of creative possibilities exists and dedolight opens the doorway... Thanks to Francois Aubry, filmmaker, screenwriter & special effects artist for contributing this sensational video.
Duration: 03:05

24/05/2020 Dedo Weigert: Spirit of a Cinematographer
This is the story of Dedo Weigert, the man behind the dedo lighting system. This film tells of Dedo’s origins in small theatres, before apprenticing to cameraman John Baxter Peters. “I was lucky to find a wonderful teacher, a British cameraman by the name of John Baxter Peters. He had done everything, and he was a very wonderful teacher, he was a very hard worker, and I copied as best as I could what he did. He was critical, he was demanding and it was wonderful. And it also gave me experiences that were very surprising, very amazing.” This documentary provides a detailed...
Duration: 19:03

12/05/2020 Portable Studio "classic"
Portable Studio This is about the concept of what we call the Portable Studio. Dedo Weigert: "When I started in this business a documentary film team had many people. Today the same work often is done by 2 people, one behind the camera and one in front of the camera, and that makes for a real lack of hands, often compounded by lack of time and lack of money." "How can you do serious lighting?" "So we came up with lighting kits that are smaller, lighter, more versatile and still complex enough to allow for creative lighting." "Here we show a basic set-up...
Duration: 07:51